
PrecompilableDesigntimeFarkle Type

An object holding a designtime Farkle whose grammar can be precompiled ahead of time.

Precompilable designtime Farkles are created by the RuntimeFarkle.markForPrecompile function, the MarkForPrecompile extension method, or their untyped variations. In F# they are built using the RuntimeFarkle.buildPrecompiled function or its untyped variation.

Despite their name, they lack the most fundamental property of designtime Farkles: composability. A designtime Farkle is meant to be marked for precompilation once, at the end of the grammar building process.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Assembly

Returns: Assembly

The assembly from which this object was created. It must match the assembly that is being compiled.

Returns: Assembly


Full Usage: this.CreateGrammarDefinition

Returns: GrammarDefinition

Creates a `GrammarDefinition` from this precompiled designtime Farkle.

Returns: GrammarDefinition


Full Usage: this.InnerDesigntimeFarkle

Returns: DesigntimeFarkle

The designtime Farkle held by this object.

Returns: DesigntimeFarkle


Full Usage: this.Name

Returns: string

The name of the designtime Farkle held by this object.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.TryGetPrecompiledGrammar

Returns: PrecompiledGrammar option

Tries to get the `PrecompiledGrammar` object, if it exists in the assembly.

Returns: PrecompiledGrammar option