
RangeMap Module

This module is public due to compiler limitations. Do not use it; it is subject to be removed or altered at any time.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

ofGroupedRanges xs

Full Usage: ofGroupedRanges xs

    xs : ('a * 'c) seq

Returns: RangeMap<'b, 'c>
xs : ('a * 'c) seq
Returns: RangeMap<'b, 'c>

ofSeqEx xs

Full Usage: ofSeqEx xs

Returns: RangeMap<^a, 'c>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: ^a, ^b, 'c

Creates a `RangeMap` from a sequence of key-value pairs. The keys can be of any type that can has the notion of "one" and equality checking.

xs : KeyValuePair<^a, 'c> seq
Returns: RangeMap<^a, 'c>

toSeqEx rm

Full Usage: toSeqEx rm

Returns: KeyValuePair<^TKey, ^TValue> seq
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: ^TKey, ^TValue
rm : RangeMap<^TKey, ^TValue>
Returns: KeyValuePair<^TKey, ^TValue> seq