
Group Type

A lexical group. In GOLD, lexical groups are used for situations where a number of recognized tokens should be organized into a single "group". This mechanism is most commonly used to handle line and block comments. However, it is not limited to "noise", but can be used for any content.

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: AdvanceMode

Field type: AdvanceMode

The way the group advances.

Field type: AdvanceMode


Full Usage: ContainerSymbol

Field type: Choice<Terminal, Noise>

The symbol that represents the group's content.

Field type: Choice<Terminal, Noise>


Full Usage: End

Field type: GroupEnd option

The symbol that represents the group's end. None (or null in C#) means that the group is ended by a new line.

Field type: GroupEnd option


Full Usage: EndingMode

Field type: EndingMode

The way the group ends.

Field type: EndingMode


Full Usage: Name

Field type: string

The name of the group.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Nesting

Field type: ImmutableHashSet<uint32>

A set of indexes whose corresponding groups can be nested inside this group.

Field type: ImmutableHashSet<uint32>


Full Usage: Start

Field type: GroupStart

The symbol that represents the group's start.

Field type: GroupStart

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.IsEndedBy

Returns: bool

Whether this group is ended by the given `DFASymbol`.

sym : DFASymbol
Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.IsEndedByNewline

Returns: bool

Whether this group is ended by a new line.

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.IsTerminal

Returns: bool

Whether this group's content is a terminal.

Returns: bool