
IGrammarProvider Type

This interface is implemented by Grammars and RuntimeFarkle{TResult}s and provides a uniform way to work with grammars inside runtime Farkles and grammars themselves, while accounting for potential build errors in an exception-free way.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.GetBuildErrorMessage

Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract

Returns a user-friendly error message that describes what had gone wrong while building, or an empty string if building had been successful.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.GetGrammar

Returns: Grammar
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the Grammar of this provider.

Returns: Grammar
InvalidOperationException This method was called with IsBuildSuccessful being false.


Full Usage: this.IsBuildSuccessful

Returns: bool
Modifiers: abstract

Whether the grammar has been successfuly built.

A value of this property indicates that GetGrammar is safe to be called.

Returns: bool