
LALRState Type

A LALR state. Together, many of them define the parsing logic of a `Grammar`.

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: Actions

Field type: ImmutableDictionary<Terminal, LALRAction>

The available next `LALRAction`s of the state, depending on the next `Terminal` encountered.

Field type: ImmutableDictionary<Terminal, LALRAction>


Full Usage: EOFAction

Field type: LALRAction option

The available `LALRAction` to be taken if input ends.

Field type: LALRAction option


Full Usage: GotoActions

Field type: ImmutableDictionary<Nonterminal, uint32>

The available GOTO actions of the state. These actions are used when a production is reduced and the parser jumps to the state that represents the shifted nonterminal.

Field type: ImmutableDictionary<Nonterminal, uint32>


Full Usage: Index

Field type: uint32

The index of the state.

Field type: uint32